undrheavenskies Nov 06, 2010 21:55
comm: btvs20in20, character: daniel 'oz' osborne, character: buffy summers, character: tara mcclay, icons, pairing: willow and tara, character: willow rosenberg
undrheavenskies Oct 03, 2010 18:58
character: xander harris, actor: anthony head, character: buffy summers, character: tara mcclay, actress: sarah michelle gellar, character: willow rosenberg, character: rupert giles, comm: btvs20in20; actress: alyson hannig, tv: buffy, icons, actress: alyson hannigan, actor: nicholas brendon
undrheavenskies Sep 18, 2010 22:41
character: xander harris, character: tara mcclay, comm: giles_stills, character: rupert giles, tv: buffy, actress: emma caulfield, pairing: xander/anya, character: anya jenkins, icons, character: ripper, actor: nicholas brendon, comm: still_grrr
undrheavenskies Sep 09, 2010 22:41
character: buffy summers, character: tara mcclay, character: willow rosenberg, character: rupert giles, tv: buffy, character: anya jenkins, character: darla, character: angel
undrheavenskies Aug 22, 2010 15:12
character: buffy summers, character: tara mcclay, pairing: willow and tara, character: willow rosenberg, character: anya jenkins, tv: angel, character: ethan rayne, comm: still_grrr, character: zoe washburn, pairing: giles and ethan, tv: firefly, comm: giles_stills, character: rupert giles, character: wash washburn, tv: buffy, pairing: wash and zoe, icons, character: angel
undrheavenskies May 13, 2010 19:40
character: buffy summers, character: tara mcclay, character: uther pendragon, character: rupert giles, tv: doctor who, character: spike, tv: merlin, icons, character: amy poole, character: eleventh doctor